A Jam-Packed Special Fall Issue of CVG's Muse (Bremerton)!

Collective Visions Gallery Muse September 2021 | Issue 1 In this issue... Featuring Suzy K's Quintessential Collage CVG Underground: the West Sound Printmakers Show The Annual CVG Show 2022! Call for artists First Friday Artwalk is Sept 3, 5-8pm Paint & Sip - Sept. 24 New gallery hours as of Sept 1: Wed, Thurs, Friday 10- 2 Sat 10 - 4 Make it ART-fall Check out this video for a taste of September. First image: Help Me, by Suzy Kueckelhan. Collage 36" x 36" Featured this month... Suzy K's Quintessential Collage September Featured Artist Suzy Kueckelhan ’s methodology in making her collages is the quintessential “Art is a process, not a product.” She doesn’t plan ahead, just grabs some paper from her big stash and, as she said, “goes with the flow.” For her, that means following her feelings to compose and design whatever feels right in the moment, rather than creating something for someone else. The results are works in paper and pain...