Vermillion Presents: September Art: Travis Johnson - To Be A Witness!


Opening Thursday, September 2, 2021 6-9pm.

Travis Johnson
"To Be A Witness"

(Show runs through September 26, 2021)

"To Be A Witness"
Travis Johnson
Opening Thursday, September 2, 2021. 6-9pm
(Show runs through 9/26/21)

Travis Johnson is back with new work! You may remember him from a smaller show we had back in December that was mostly just visible from the window. We've expanded into the full gallery now and he is going to be showing his paintings in addition to some new repurposed, found object sculptures.

About this series:
He says. "'To Be A Witness' is a collection of works that serve as a visual reclamation of my personal history in southern California. These pieces are fragmented memories and stories from my past. These stories have morphed into myth and have become a part of my ethos as Black body in America. 'To Be A Witness' is to imagine a world where Black bodies have an ontological resistance against a predatory culture. This ensemble of work is reaching for a Black nostalgia, a place that only exists in memory as a modern myth. The work also acknowledges the present as a fluid constant, that will shape the future. 'To Be A Witness' is to know that the witnessing is temporary."

About the Artist
Travis Johnson has spent the last 3 decades developing his craft as a creative and uses his art to explore the human experience by touching on the whimsical, silly, serious, and sometimes painful side of life. He uses the subtle nuances of classic western world iconography to tell a highly illustrated and visually rich narrative.

His main artistic inspirations are: Bill WattersonJustin BuaThomas Hart BentonKerry James MarshallKara WalkerMichael HafftkaBill Turner

Along with his visual art, Travis has spent the last 25 years singing throughout the US on various tours with his family singing group Fivacious. He continues to share his music as a solo act through out the US.

Travis was born in Southern California, where he grew up with his 5 siblings in the Mojave Desert. He is currently based out of Olympia, WA.

To see more and check out the store at: Travis Johnson Art  (

You Tube: LET the Paint Dry.

Covid-19 Notice: Masks are mandatory. Please maintain social distancing guidelines of 6 feet apart both inside and outside the gallery. 
Hours: Thursdays: 5-8pm, Saturday/Sunday: 1-6pm and by appointment.  All art shows are fully viewable from outside the windows 24/7. (hours may change due to Covid restrictions). 

We will be having Socially Distant Capitol Hill Artwalk on traditional second of every month from 5-8pm
Current Hours: Thursdays 5-8pm.
Saturday & Sunday 1-6pm.
These hours are subject to change
Check here:
PARKING: There's a little parking secret at QFC on E. Pike and Broadway. 90 minutes FREE with validation:
Bus/Train Trolley: We are closest to the  11, 2, 49, 60. Link Light Rail is on the other side of the park north .4 miles. Trolley from Pioneer Square stops at E. Pike and Broadway.
We are ADA accessible
Our Mission: For over 13 years, Vermillion's goal is to showcase dedicated, professional artists, writers, musicians and creators. Vermillion offers art, wine, beer, cocktails, and a daily seasonal menu in a unique, historic setting. Located in the bustling Pike/Pine corridor, we offer the culture and appeal of an art opening every night. We like to introduce art and integrate cultural opportunities into people’s daily lives, with a special effort on shepherding marginalized communities and supporting underserved artists. Vermillion feels that the arts and cultural expression bridge diverse groups to support personal growth, community involvement and self-preservation.
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